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2019 ARV Session Calendar

An Interpretation of the Fields of Force and How they are Utilized in Culture and for ARV accuracy

LST Seasonal Precognition Calendar

ARV Research Summary

ARV Session Analysis

The Solar Institute’s Remote Viewing Series

1 - The countdown timer posted on the ARV page at shows how many days / hours until the results of the ARV are recorded to voicemail. Dates are subject to change depending upon solar weather conditions. Hence for best results check the page daily for the latest information. Dates are chosen according to the most favorable solar weather conditions. 


 2 - After the ARV session is complete, results are  recorded  to voicemail (808) 208-1662 approximately 1 hour after 13:30LST. To covert LST time to your local time visit this webpage. The reason LST time is used is because it is when precognition peaks


3 - 48 hours later or sooner, an analysis of the ARV session and the results of the stock are posed on this page.  

When you listen to the voicemail, the stock symbol will also be given in numbers for maximum clarity. This will be given up to 1 hour before the markets open. Be sure to check the countdown page for the exact time to call for results.


The favorable solar weather windows follow a pattern. This pattern averages 2 consecutive days of favorable solar weather conditions on average every 11 days. This also allows the remote viewer time to relax and recover as the ARV device technology also includes what's known as TXP, which interfaces with the ARV device. 

You can also learn of changes made to the countdown page by utilizing any of the free webpage tracking services by doing a search term for webpage notification change

Recommended ReadingAn Interpretation of the Fields of Force and
How they are Utilized in Culture and for ARV accuracy


Question - Why are ARV Sessions only conducted from approximately 5 days before the moon's first quarter until approximately 6 days after a full moon?

Research over the years shows remarkable success in ARV sessions during the first quarter moon, as well as during the full moon. The full moon is a time that the moon enters earth's magnetotail.  During this time the moon becomes highly charged with negative particles.  It is these highly charged particles that interact with the ARV device.  To put it simply the ARV device becomes activated by the field of energy that occurs during this time, which is interfaced with human consciousness.


Full Moons Get Electrified by Earth's Magnetic "Tail" (National Geogramphic Magazine)

The Moon and the Magnetotail (NASA)

Full Moons Get Electrified by Earth’s Magnetic “Tail” (NASA's Solar System Exploration Institute)

Full Moon ElectrifiedThe Moon's Passage through Earth's Magnetotail The Energetics of a Full Moon (Nick Anthony Fiorenza)



Below are images from the report titled: Interaction of the Moon with the Earth's Magnetosphere, which was conducted by Otto Schneider in 1967. The images show that during the moons first quarter, it appears an island of stability exists in regard to geomagnetic activity. Please note I put in the blue rectangles for clarity. 





As shown above the moon's shock-wave takes place around the first quarter moon. Moon shock waves are generated by protons in the solar wind -- moving at supersonic speed -- colliding with pockets of magnetic fields that bubble up from the moon's crust.


Further Reading
Lunar cycle may have an effect on Shock Wave Lithotripsy related pain outcome. Hüsnü Tokgöz et al. Dec 2017.

Lunar wake at large distances. F. C. Michel. dec 1969

Also research from stone tablets recovered from Atlantis show that the half moon is related to space / time. This can be found in Tablet X the key of time, which studies the mystery of time.  The tablet states the following - 

Oft did I ponder the words of the DWELLER. Then sought I to solve the mystery of time. Found I that time moves through strange angles. Yet only by curves could I hope to attain the key that would give me access to the time-space.
Found I that only by moving upward and yet again by moving to right-ward could I be free from the time of the movement.
 This sounds a lot like 90 degree right angles.   



At first quarter moon earth is at 90 degrees to sun and moon. For example during sunset, the first quarter moon is exactly above us in the evening sky (zenith) and the sun is setting in the west. 

During the moon’s quarter phases gravitational forces of the sun and the moon are at work at right angles in respect to earth, Hence a smaller difference between high and low tides occurs known as a neap tide (Morgan 2001). Earth's magnetic equator is where the magnetic field is parallel to the earth’s surface.  


The Solar wind and Sonic Booms
These sonic boomlets, physicists believe, are being generated by protons in the solar wind—moving at supersonic speed—colliding with pockets of magnetic fields that bubble up from the moon's crust. 

Eclipses and Sonic Booms
Solar Sonic Boom: Eclipses May Generate Atmospheric Shocks

Solar Flares and Sonic Booms
Sunquakes are generated by solar flares, when enormous amounts of energy are released high up in the solar atmosphere. Most of the energy goes up into interplanetary space, but a fraction of this energy travels to the Sun’s surface creating a sonic boom that causes the solar interior to oscillate and produce the ripples,” explained Zharkov in an email.

Shadows travel faster than the speed of light

ARV Formula - 

Photons have no mass - Photons affect the Human Nervous System - The first image of a black hole comes from the Virgo Constellation, where photons orbit the black hole - Virgo is the constellation that is zenith (directly overhead at midnight) at 13:30 LST, during spring in Hawaii (April 29th of each year) a time where the success of precognition (ARV Session) peaks  - View LST Time Clock

- View Star Sky Map

Further Reading

Human Visual System as a Double-Slit Single Photon Interference Sensor: A Comparison between Modellistic and Biophysical Tests

Direct detection of a single photon by humans


The energy and mass of photons coming from a specific region of sky (virgo) may be exerting effects upon the nervous system 

Hence time flows differently around a black hole - View Scientific Studies proving that the nervous system responds to an event a few seconds before it actually takes place. - 


Further Reading
Detoxification is the Fountain of Youth